Four Clear Signs Your Milwaukee Roof is in Dire Need of a Replacement

by | Apr 22, 2022 | Roofing

While your roof is undoubtedly one of the most durable elements of your home, it, too, has an expiration date. Here are a few telltale signs that your roof is due for a replacement.

Multiple Compromised Shingles

A damaged shingle or two is nothing to be too alarmed about and can often be easily repaired or replaced. However, if you notice that you have multiple shingles that are damaged, missing, or loose, it might be time for a roof replacement in Milwaukee.


If your ceiling isn’t strong and steady, there is only a matter of time before it collapses. So, if your roofline sags even in the slightest, you need to schedule a roof replacement in Milwaukee immediately.


A minor leak can be patched up if caught early enough, but oftentimes, once a leak has been detected, the damage has already been done. Water damage should never be ignored, and even the smallest of leaks can quickly cause enough interior damage to severely weaken the roof’s foundation.

Old Age

On average, roofs have a lifespan of 20-25 years. So, if you have made it past that period, you might want to consider a timely replacement or at least investigate your ceiling for sneaky signs of aging. Also, if your unit is being held together by DIY jobs, consider it to be aged out.

Whether your roof has completely caved in or has just taken a deadly dose of wear and tear, Guardian, Inc. experts at are at your service, ready to bring back the comfort and security that you have been yearning for.

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