Everything You Need to Know About Skylight Screens for Your US Business

by | Nov 29, 2021 | Remodeling

Skylight screens, also known as skylight, fall protection screens, are an important tool to help make sure that your business remains compliant with OSHA standards. Although these screens can come in a variety of shapes and materials, they remain an absolute must for companies that wish to keep their employees safe.

Design of Skylight Protection Screens

Skylight protection screens come in a variety of shapes, including domed and standing structures. The screens are designed to be durable and rigid enough to hold up to 400 pounds. The majority of skylight protection screens are made out of galvanized material. Stainless steel is also available.

OSHA Compliance and Necessity

OSHA mandates that every employee must be protected from falling through any company hole that is four feet or taller above the ground. Although other alternatives may exist to keep employees from falling through a skylight, the protection screens tend to be the most affordable.

Protection Offered by Screens

When a company puts a skylight protection screen over a skylight, the company is attempting to protect their employees from accidents and falls through the skylight. These accidents can cause severe wounds and even death, depending on the severity of the fall. This limited expense can save the company money in the long run by preventing lawsuits and workmen’s compensation claims.

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